In addition to many trips on behalf of the 'German Society for Musical Performing and Mechanical Reproduction Rights' (the so-called GEMA) to London and Berlin, I embarked on a colourful musical journey with several performances - a few examples:
IN CONCERT: I had the pleasure of conducting the world permiere of CITY LIFE. IMPRESSION FOR ORCHESTRA on the 25th of May in Essen.
ON STAGE: Starting at the end of May, my composition "Ali und der Zauberkrug" was performed multiple times at the 'Bayerische Staatsoper' in Bavaria.
CHURCH: My multilingual composition "Pater Noster" celebrated its world premiere as part of the 99th 'German Catholics Day' (Deutscher Katholikentag) in Regensburg. Furthermore, there were three premieres with choir and ensemble during the closing church service that was broadcast by the public broadcasting station 'ARD'.
FILM PRODUCTION: More than 100 minutes of music were recorded from the 13th to the 21st of June for the tv mini series "Hessen von oben" of the public broadcasting station 'Hessischer Rundfunk'.
My personal highlight was the release of two brilliant CDs. The label 'WERGO' released the CD METAMORPHOSEN featuring four orchestral works about Schumann, Mozart, Wagner, and Mendelssohn, performed by the Tonkünstler-Orchester under the musical direction of Xincao Li. Furthermore, 'Oehms Classics' released my composition BALDE RUHEST DU AUCH. EINE LIEDERREISE on a Hans Rott CD, sung by genius bass-baritone Michael Volle with a fantastic performance of the 'Munich Symphony Orchestra', conducted by Hansjörg Albrecht.
Please see the following links for more information (with photos and audio samples):
CITY LIFE: http://www.enjott.com/musik/city-life-impressions-for-orchestra/
CD METAMORPHOSEN: http://www.enjott.com/musik/metamorphosen-cd-orchesterwerke-wergo/
CD LIEDERREISE: http://www.enjott.com/musik/hans-rott-wege-zu-gustav-mahler-mit-enjott-schneiders-liederreise-balde-ruhest-du-auch/
And of course I continue to compose feverishly: my current projects until August include the violin concert AUGEN DER ERDE (for Ingolf Turban), the double concert ISOLDE & TRISTAN for Erhu (Peru Xu), as well as Violoncello (Wen-Sinn Yang) and China National Symphony Orchestra, the ORGELSINFONIE No. 14 for the Speyrer Dom cathedral, and the composition "VERTEILUNGSPLAN" for soprano and piano quartet for a Richard-Strauss birthday concert.
"ALBATROS" - THE PORTAL...FOR MUSIC OF A NEW EARTH Don't fear contemporary music... there is a lot of finest music for a broad and worldwide audience... Music of the ALBATROS Like this amazing bird...with an impressive span, with a wide range, stylistically boundless, cosmopolitan, holistically appealing to heart and mind, spiritual beyond ego and greed for profit; always in search of transcendence, peace and the preservation of nature, but nevertheless vital, motoric, playful and with an excessive desire for liveliness... ...instead of machine & computer there is soul, freedom, breathing, love and life!2024 - Composing Oratorios - my secret passion / eine stille Leidenschaft!
Auch in 2024 waren großbesetzte Oratorien meine stille Leidenschaft, die viel Raum für Ideen, kosmische Klänge lassen und meist ein sehr großes Publikum anziehen... ein Überblick.CD "BRIDGES TO INFINITY" im Juli 2024 eingespielt
Hoch aufwendige CD-Produktion BRIDGES TO INFINITY mit der BODENSEE-PHILHARMONIE (vormals: Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz) mit Chefdirigent Gabriel Venzago. Ein Feuerwerk der musikalischen Qualitäten, indem sich als Sternstunde des Musizieren die Solisten Julia Sophie Wagner (Sopran), Alexias Eichhorn (Viola), Friedemann Eichhorn (Violine), das Schlagzeugquartett Stefan Blum, der Chor der Klang-Verwaltung und eben das staunenmachende Orchester gegenseitig hochschaukelten, kompromisslos, risikobereit und hoch emotional. Diese CD dürfte meine beste von den bislang über 100 CDs werden!!!! Ich freue mich auf den release ihm Herbst 2024!NEW WORKS in 2024 Part 1
NEW COMPOSITIONS... in the first half the year 2024: TIME IS RUNNING & LIFE IS SO SHORT!!! Ein kleiner Überblick über die neu komponierten Werke und über die neuen Verlagsausgaben.2024 erste Hälfte: Uraufführungen / First Performances
Neben den zahlreichen wiederholten Werkaufführungen aus vergangenen jahren gab es in der ersten Hälfte von 2024 einige bemerkenswerte aktuelle Uraufführungen. Im Überblick: