Category:  Organ / Sacred Music

Movements: 1: Am Morgen der Apokalypse (In the morning of the apocalypse)
2: Masse – Mensch – Maschine (mass - human - machine)
3: Klang der Tränen (sound of tears)

Duration: 11 minutes

Publisher of notes/sheet music: Schott Music

Instrumentation: Instrumentation: large organ with three manuals and pedal
(the three movements are played attacca)


Preface: The triptych, that is to be played 'in one pour', is thematically based on a theme in levitating tonality. Multi-coupled 8' registers and 16' registers dominate the sonority of the organ, bright colours and mixtures are to be used sparingly. Other than that, register specifications can be modified to match the type of the organ. The central part is to be played extremely fast and with an unrelentingly persistent eighth note pulse (edged, almost sounding like a machine gun). The finale, that is to be played agogically and freely and that devotes itself to the sensitively registered sounds, stands out all the more.

Dedication: Cordially dedicated to Georg Wendt (Halle)

World premiere:  03.05.2014, Berlin - Berliner Dom (Berlin Cathedral)

Performers at world premiere: 3rd of May, 2014 with Georg Wendt playing the Sauer organ in the Berlin Cathedral