Category:  Film Music

Movements: Episodes in 45 min. format: Shadows of the past, Set at the rehearsal, Encounter in the rain, Parsley wedding, In good and bad times, Florence of all places among others
Folgen im 45Min.-Format: Schatten der Vergangenheit, Auf die Probe gestellt, Begegnung im Regen, Petersilienhochzeit, In guten und in schlechten Zeiten, Ausgerechnet Florenz u.a.

Duration: 19 x 45:00, soundtrack 150:00

Movie:  1999

Movie directed by: Marco Serafini and Georg Tressler

Movie produced by: NDF Munich

Distributor of movie: ZDF

Performers in movie: produced with Martin Grassl in 'Augenklang' studio and in 'Studio 58', with Pepe Solera (sax), Dan Aldea (guitar)