Category: Chamber Music , Organ / Sacred Music
The destruction of the home planet by a humanity that has become selfish in its addiction to commerce and industrialisation is already irreversible: "Five to twelve!" has already become a rather euphemistic motto. Time is running out!
Framed by a rather meditative opening and closing section with quiet and fragile sounds - representing the vulnerability of the earth and its ecosystem - before the powerful middle movement "Vivo Furioso" expresses both life in senselessly accelerated time and anger at the irresponsibility that can be found everywhere.
Duration: 6 Minuten
Publisher of notes/sheet music: , 2022
Instrumentation: Percussion 1:
Marimba, hanging spiral cymbal, metal sound, Bass Drum,
Percussion 2:
Marimba, Vibraphon, Bass Drum, low cymbal, Schwirrholz
Percussion 3:
Glockenspiel, Triangel, low gong, small cymbal or trash board, 2 Congas
Woodblock, Schwirrholz
Percussion 4:
Triangel, Waterphone,Cymbal, Claves, Tamtam, snare drum, 3 Tomtom,
Organ with 2 Manuals and not less than 25 stops
Introduction: The destruction of the home planet by a humanity that has become selfish in its addiction to commerce and industrialisation is already irreversible: "Five to twelve!" has already become a rather euphemistic motto. Time is running out!
Framed by a rather meditative opening and closing section with quiet and fragile sounds - representing the vulnerability of the earth and its ecosystem - before the powerful middle movement "Vivo Furioso" expresses both life in senselessly accelerated time and anger at the irresponsibility that can be found everywhere. A symbolic play with the numbers 3,4 and 5 playfully creates a rhythmic cohesion: 3+4+5 = 12 and also 3 times 4 = 12. Patterns of threes and fours permanently overlap and are dynamised by an obsessively driving ritornello in 5 time.
World premiere: 04.04.2022, München, Himmelfahrtskirche
Performers at world premiere: The composition was commissioned by „1. Internationale Online Orgel-Festival“, that bvtakes place from 18 April till 1Mai 2022. Schirmherrschaft von Kent Nagano und dem Bundestagspräsidenten a.D. Norbert Lammert stattfindet. Dazu wird es für einer Videopräsentation mit Hansjörg Albrecht (Orgel) und der Christian Benning – Percussion Group produziert.