Category:  Recordings , Film Music

An elaborate score with a large orchestra and atmospheric borrowings "A Tribute to John Williams" to John Williams music to Harry Potter, - the intention was to stage the figure of the sorceress Bibi as a female counterpart to Harry Potter. - Therefore the Clesta tones and a typical Potter chord connection evoke clear references. In the fantasy land of Arambolia, a very timeless, serene mood with minimalist use of Asian flutes then prevails before the Bibi Blocksberg waltz calls for a finale with the main theme and great sound. Director: Franziska Buch. A production by Kiddinx with Bavaria Produktions- und Filmverleih GmbH and Constantin Film.

Elaborately shot and exciting fantasy film with an adequate film music in traditional blockbuster scoring. Best actors like Sidonie von Krosnig as Bibi as well as Katja Riemann, Ulrich Noethe, Corinna Harfourch and others.

Introduction: Director: Franziska Buch. A production by Kiddinx with Bavaria Produktions- und Filmverleih GmbH and Constantin Film.

Elaborately shot and exciting fantasy film with an adequate film music in traditional blockbuster scoring. Best actors like Sidonie von Krosnig as Bibi as well as Katja Riemann, Ulrich Noethe, Corinna Harfourch and others.
Music ccomposed and conducted by Enjott Schneider with the Munich Philharmonic Film Orchestra

Records:  Kiddinx LC 04121 Nr. 4.25755,  2004

Performers on recording: Klaus Rester (asiatische Flöten), Mädchenkantorei der Münchner Dommusik, Philharmonisches Filmorchester München, Leitung: Enjott Schneider

Die CD enthält auch die Filmsongs "Verhext" und "Rabia Song" von Biber Gullatz und Moritz Freise