7:30 PM (CET), 'Bayerische Versicherungskammer', Munich, Maximilianstrasse 53 concert of the 'Tonkünstlerverbandes München e.V.': Sylvia Hewig-Tröscher (piano) plays the piano variations MOZART IN NEW ORLEANS; Elisabeth Weinzierl and Edmund Wächter (flutes) with Eva Schieferstein (piano) perform the world premiere of <link werke>DIE SEHNSUCHT MEINES GEO-DREIECKS für 2 Querflöten und Klavier, - (The longing of my geo triangle for 2 German flutes and piano) - this primordial version for a trio has not had a world premiere since 1982 and will now be performed for the first time after 28 years. With regard to aesthetics, this composition has been influenced greatly by the sternness of Anton Webern with a backwards running 'center' in the shape of a cancer (with Wagner's Tristan melody 'sink hernieder, Nacht der Liebe' (descend, oh night of love) in piano bass.